APRIL 2017 Minutes
April 18, 2017 – 2:00 p.m.
12305 150 Rd.
Mayetta, KS 66509
Chris Esquibel, 29th (President), Tom Weishaar, 1st (Vice-President), Spence Koehn, 4th (Parliamentarian), Kelly Johnson, 4th (Treasurer); Carly Feldhausen, 3rd (Training); Kelsey Cox, 18th (Public Relations); Stephanie Springer, 27th (Membership/Nominations); and Jennifer Fogg, 1st (Secretary)
Reading/Review of the Minutes:
President, Chris Esquibel (29th), called the meeting to order.
Spence Koehn (4th) made a motion to approve the minutes for the March 8, 2017 board meeting, and Kelsey Cox (18th) second the motion; motion carried 8-0.
Treasurer’s Report:
The 2017 1st Quarter Treasurer’s Report was emailed out, and the balance was $47,714.45. The 1st Quarter report will be distributed to the association at the business meeting.
The lobbyist contribution total for 2017 was $2,530.00
The 2016 Audit statement has been e-mailed out.
Training – Carly Feldhausen (3rd):
Current Conference 50/50 Raffle
Drawing to be announced at Trivia at 8:00 pm. Prizes include cash, 2 rounds of golf with one night stay and meals, T.V. and KACSO Tumbler. The first number pulled will have choice of prizes.
Site Selection
Upcoming Conferences:
Fall 2017 Marriott Junction City, KS on October 18-20 Contract
Spring 2018 Holiday Inn – Wichita, KS in April 4-6 Contract – Looking at Feds for EBP
Fall 2018 Prairie Band Resort Mayetta, KS October 17-19
Legislative – Brad Schuh (3rd)
SB367 / HB2264 (Amendments to the juvenile justice system):
Immunity was included for CSO’s in relation to credit for time served issues
2% raise across the board has been discussed
Non-judicial staff will get funds from the drivers’ license fee
Next Legislative Meeting:
The next meeting will be on May 23, 2017 at 11:00am in Topeka.
Public Relations - Kelsey Cox (18th):
Nothing new to report.
Membership and Nomination - Stephanie Springer (27th):
Discussion on Interim Secretary Position:
Two letters of interest were received for this position from Ryan Duckers (29th) and Colinda Thompson (10th)
Vote taken and board votes to appoint Ryan Duckers (29th). Stephanie will advise.
CSO Advisory Committee:
OJA Training Committee:
There will be training for new managers in May and Management training at OJA in June
Vendors have made their presentations.
YLS Working Group:
This is pretty much completed. Discussions to self generate case plans.
This will hopefully be done by June.
Social Budget:
Spence Koehn (4th) makes a motion for $500 expenditure on candy and beverages, Brad Schuh (3rd) seconds the motion. All in favor and motion approved.
Nothing new to report
$68.57 to Ed’s Trophies and Awards (Sherri Hartter CSO of the Year Award)
$95.97 to Quill for nametag supply
$36.49 to Quill for certificate paper
$1,100.00 for Dave Lewis (entertainment – Balance Owed)
$264.00 to Topeka Blue Print (conference booklets)
$133.85 to Ruth Wheeler (for Audit)
$132.78 to Jean Halula-Dermann (For Audit)
$54.90 to Carly Feldhausen (3rd) for Pat Cochran retirement card
Spence Koehn (4th) moved, and Kelsey Cox (18th) seconded to pay all bills as submitted. Motion carried 8-0.
Amendments and By-laws:
Updates were e-mailed out. To be reviewed at the business meeting.
The next meeting with be on May 18, 2017 at 10:00am in Topeka
Spence Koehn (4th) made a motion to adjourn, Carly Feldhausen (3rd) seconded. Motion carried 8-0.