October 18, 2016 – 2:00 p.m.
8787 Reeder St.
Overland Park, Kansas 66214
Chris Esquibel, 29th (Interim President), Tom Weishaar, 1st (Vice-President), Jennifer Fogg, 1st (Secretary), Spence Koehn, 4th (Parliamentarian), Mike Clark, 21st (Training), Kelsey Cox, 18th (Interim Public Relations); Cody McArthur, 3rd (Legislative); and Stephanie Springer, 27th (Membership/Nominations); Kelly Johnson, 4th (Treasurer)
Reading/Review of the Minutes:
The Interim President, Chris Esquibel (29th), called the meeting to order.
Stephanie Springer (27th) made a motion to approve the minutes for the September 22, 2016 board meeting, and Kelsey Cox (18th) second the motion; motion carried 7-0.
Treasurer’s Report:
The September & 3rd Quarter Budget Report ($47,240.78) was distributed.
Mike Clark (21st) made a motion to accept the July Report, and Cody McArthur (3rd) second the motion; motion carried 7-0.
The lobbyist contribution total is $11,633.00.
Training – Mike Clark (21st):
Steve Kearney will be at conference on Friday for the legislation review, and possibly will appear for others.
Will send out a request to members to email a list of their questions for the SB367 roundtable.
The winner of the 50/50 raffle will be announced at the end of the Thursday night dinner.
Highway Patrol will be doing the color guard.
Name tags have been taken care of.
46 reservations have been made, and 15 rooms are left.
The board discussed items for members to buy, and all agreed on tumblers with the KACSO logo.
Upcoming Conferences:
Fall 2016 at the Holiday Inn in Overland Park on October 19-21
Welcome, Laura Brewer, Chief Judge, and Amy Raymond, and will watch the keynote speakers presentation since he unexpectedly passed away 2 weeks ago.
Spring 2017 at Prairie Band on April 19-21.
Fall 2017 at the Junction City Marriott on October 18-20.
Spring 2018 Holiday Inn – Wichita, KS April
Fall 2018 Manhattan, KC sometime in October
Legislative - Cody McArthur (3rd):
SB367: Juvenile Bill:
Final thoughts and concerns will be sent to OJA at the end of November, and will also be sent to the Judges Association and the Magistrate Association.
Will probably have a legislative review this year.
The Justices have signed off on the committee member list, and should be meeting this week.
These meetings are closed.
The committee will look at the impact of Community Corrections joining with Court Services and vice versa OR developing an entirely new supervision organization OR do nothing.
Will look at what other States are doing.
The report will be due to Justice Nuss by November 29, 2016.
Steve Kearney will be at conference on Friday.
Next Legislative Meeting:
The next meeting will be on November 1, 2016 and December 6, 2016 at 11:00am in Topeka.
Public Relations – Kelsey Cox (18th):
No new updates.
Membership and Nomination – Stephanie Springer (27th)
Nominations for President, Treasurer, Parliamentarian, Public Relations, Training Chair:
The swearing of the new officers will be tomorrow October 19, 2016.
EPICS Training:
Will be mandatory for all Juvenile Officers. The training dates will begin December 6,2016, and will be 3 days long.
It will be offered to the larger districts 1st.
CSO Advisory Board – Manuals, LSIR Workgroup:
No new updates.
Collaborative Legislative Group:
The committee has not met yet.
The Attorney’s Association is strongly against SB367.
OJA Training Committee (Education Needs Assessment Focus Group):
No new updates.
Government Affairs:
The board discussed putting the committee together to be utilized once the consolidation report has been released.
The board will approve who will be on the committee, and will also get approval from their district chief.
The committee will focus on consolidation.
E Courts:
The final RFP is due in a couple of weeks.
No new updates.
Ruth Lloyd’s (27th) final day before she retires will be on October 31, 2016.
$208.22 in mileage for Kelsey Cox (18th)
$136.04 in mileage for Mike Clark (21st)
Jennifer Fogg (1st) moved Cody McArthur (3rd) seconded to pay all bills as submitted. Motion carried 7-0.
STANDING RULES – Spence Koehn (4th):
No new updates.
The next meeting with be on November 17, 2016 at 10:00am in Emporia, KS.
Stephanie Springer (27th) made a motion to adjourn, Mike Clark (21st) seconded. Motion carried 7-0.